uploads/road hog.jpg

road hog vi.,n.亂開汽車(的人);妨礙其他車輛行駛(的司機)...

road kill

Road hogs driving you up the wall ? the malaysian government is only too happy to help . the country ' s first highway drive - in massage parlor opened monday 馬來西亞政府專門為過往司機提供服務的按摩室于3月27日正式開業,這是該國第一家建在公路旁的按摩室。

I had to swerve when that road hog overtook me and cut in front 當那個玩命的司機駕車強行超車搶在我面前時,我只得急轉彎。

You ’ ll never be able to pass that driver . he ’ s such a road hog 你是不可能超過那個司機的,他總在前面擋著道。

He ' s a good driver but occassionally he ' s a road hog 他是一位好司機,不過,偶爾他也是個蠻橫的司機。

Look at that fool carving up the road . what a road hog 看看那個在路上躥來躥去的笨蛋。真是個路霸!

A long line of car is unable to pass that road hog 一長串的車子無法超越那個擋道的汽車駕駛。

That taxi driver is such a road hog 那個計程車司機真是個蠻橫的司機。

That truck driver up ahead sure is a road hog 就在前面的那個卡車司機的確是個蠻橫的司機。

A road hog forced smith ' s car into the ditch 一個橫沖直闖的司機把史密斯車擠到溝里去了。

I wish that driver wasn ' t such a road hog 我真希望那個駕駛員不是那么一個蠻橫的司機。

The man in front of us is really a road hog 在我們的前面那個人真是個蠻橫的司機。